You can build a workbench on one or more sides of the workshop. Use standard steel rectangular tubing for the workbench supports. This will allow you to place one or more roller tool cabinets underneath the work surface.
The workbench top can be made of steel sheet for an impervious surface or of wood for a softer and more flexible surface. A workbench top can have attached drawers underneath to hold small items. You can also install organizational compartments on the top of the workbench to hold frequently-used tools and supplies.
To conveniently hang tools of all sizes, install hooks on the interior walls of the workshop. These can be single hooks or a bank of hooks that are welded together. Tool hooks are available in many sizes and shapes to accommodate the tools that you use.
For small hand tools, you can hang tool cabinets on the workshop walls. These cabinets are available with doors, drawers, and interior shelves already installed. They can be raised to eye level or used on the floor of the workshop as supports for a workbench. Drill holes in the back of these cabinets so that you can bolt them to the wall studs.
To get electricity in your workshop, you will need to tap into the electrical supply of your residence. It is best to have a qualified electrician install your electrical system, as they can make sure your system works to full capacity and complies with local building codes.
To find the components, products, and supplies that you need to build and customize a workshop, contact Morgan & Slates Manufacturing & Supplies. Our expert welders and steel workers can provide you with the products that you need, and they can also form these products into the exact sizes and shapes that you need.